Earthlings !

Given the extreme simplicity of the universe at the start of the Big Bang, it's friendliness to complex structures such as galaxies, planetary systems and biology is unexpected by any normal model of turbulence driven structuring that science has been able to derive.

Consciousness, the paradox. A perpetual flux of here and now perceived through a mental construct of time. Synchronicities and bizarre phenomena often occur within our field of awareness but we fearfully disregard them.

The universe spontaneously generated, developed self-governing laws and became self-aware through emergent complexity ?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Introduction to Permaculture

"Permaculture is an approach to designing human settlements and perennial agricultural systems that mimic the relationships found in the natural ecologies. It was first developed by Australians Bill Mollison and David Holmgren and their associates during the 1970s in a series of publications. The word permaculture is a portmanteau of permanent agriculture, as well as permanent culture."
- From Wikipedia

Permaculture Principles :

Observe and interact
Catch and store energy
Obtain a yield
Apply self-regulation and accept feedback
Use and value renewable resources and services
Produce no waste
Design from patterns to details
Integrate rather than segregate
Use small and slow solutions
Use and value diversity
Use edges and value the marginal
Creatively use and respond to change

Watch this beautiful documentary by Bill Mollison, the Father of Permaculture :

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